Sunday, August 26, 2012

Look out Kindergarten

... here comes Mike!

I just can't believe the day is here... less than 24 hours I will be dropping my baby off at school... real school, that is!  As a former Kindergarten teach myself... I always found it a tad dramatic when moms would hover in my room and cry.  I remember one mom even carried her son into my clssroom that first day and NOT because he was scared or upset, but because she was!  Yup, I am sure I rolled my eyes and sighed (on the inside) But now it is my turn...
I think I must be the most selfish mom in the world as the biggest tear jerker is the thought that someelse gets to be with him for 7 hours a day and I don't... some else gets to hear is silly jokes, watch his eyes light up when he eats yummy food, read him stories, tie his shoes, tell him to be quiet, and convince him he can do hard things... sigh.
I woke up the other morning to this scene at our breakfast table...
yup, my baby had made himself breakfast and was happily playing a video game...
I know he is ready... I know I am not,
but I will adjust, I will learn, I know I too, can do hard things!
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  1. He looks so grown up in that last pic! It's ok if you cry and it's also ok to feel sad. But at least he's ready. I'd be even more of a basket case if Sophia was scared and not ready. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking about y'all!

  2. Aww, I am teary. You can do hard things too, I love it! Good luck tomorrow, Mom! And Mike, ENJOY IT!!! Kindergarten, yahoo!
    (I will be just like you all too soon, I fear.)

  3. What a fun collage of Mikey photos! He is going to OWN kindergarten! I've adopted your motto with Atticus: You can do hard things. And I teared up too when I got to the end of your post. You got this, Kristy Fey. You are tougher than you think.

  4. Love this pictures. Yes these are the real Michael.....he enjoys life. He will enjoy kinder.


Let's go make something,


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