Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Planting Peppermints

I saw this idea somewhere (sorry) awhile back and thought we would add it to our advent... you plant peppermints in "snow". I used cotton balls because I had them, but I saw with that pretty fake snow stuff. We dropped in two... one for Addy and one for Mike...
buried it in the 'snow' and said something cheesy like..."Christmas magic, let it show watch our candy canes grow in the snow"... ya, ya made that up on the spot but we needed something.
And when Mikey woke up....
Two big candy canes had grown!
Fun right? Well, let me say it went over like a led balloon. Maybe he did not get it... like the whole concept of "seeds and growing" or maybe he wanted breakfast and cartoons more. I will try again next year!


  1. What a cute idea! Jane would LOVE that! I'll have to add it to my to do list.

  2. That is pretty hilarious! Maybe if they didn't grow with wrappers and labels?? Good luck next year!


Let's go make something,


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