Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chef Boy -AR- Fey

So this summer I am trying to let Mike do more hands on "cooking". After all, Adam and I love to cook together and some of our favorite childhood memories are being in the kitchen with our moms. Last week we made chocolate milk- HE LOVED IT! This week we made Pina Colada Yogurt and I thought to take pictures.
I had the ingredients already to go in these great measuring bowls I found at TJ Maxx. We used some vanilla yogurt, crushed pineapple, and coconut flakes- dumped the in a bigger bowl, mixed them all up-and it was ready to taste! He did not care much for the coconut, but he enjoyed the process. Now I need to find or make him an apron :) I think we will try a fruit salad or no bake cookies next week.


  1. Awesome!! I love it. One day, he will make someone a terrific husband with all of his cooking skills.

  2. great to see photos of my favorite redhead cooking. your blog is great. i am really enjoying it. hugs and kisses.
    aunt h


Let's go make something,


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