Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trick or Treating...

Mike was a fisherman this year for Halloween. Growing up my mom always made our costumes, so it is somewhat of tradition for me to make them or let's say put them together. The vest and pants were hand-me-downs from cousin Reese, we had the fishing pole and the tin bucket, my mom brought up her hat, the boots were $10 at Wal-mart and then she pined the worms, lures, and bobbers all over... easy and cheap! It turned out so much better than I had pictured in my head and best of all he was comfortable! Thanks for your help, Lala! At this point, he still was not sure what the heck was going on, but our excitement was contagious! How sweet is this! Not the best quality, but I love this picture. I was only up to going to a couple of houses, so daddy and Lala had all the fun. We brought Adelyn home that afternoon... I stayed home with my dad who passed out tons of candy for us!
Who is having more fun here... Mike or daddy?
This one looks safe... right?
This house was on the corner and they always go all out for the holidays.
For weeks we would stop and stare at this on our family walks.


  1. Very cute! The timing was perfect - being able to be home with Adelyn so Mike could trick or treat with his daddy! I bet you will always remember this Halloween!
