Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Smile?

So, Adelyn had her first 'coo' this weekend. She has no idea how she does it or even where it comes from. Mommy knows this because as soon as it happens her forehead wrinkles up and she looks perplexed! She also had what might be her first smile... at first I thought she realized what a great sense of humor her mommy had, but then I smelt a little gas. So my question is does this date go in the baby book as her first smile? I know boys think toots are funny, but do girls?


  1. count it as her first smile. it looks to me like she thought her toot was the funniest thing ever! great photos!
    aunt h

  2. It probably tickled a little. :) I think that counts!

  3. Those are the cutest pictures ever!! LOVE the smiles! Count them :)

  4. Defintely counts...a smile's a smile.

  5. Her 1st smile!!! Glad you got a pic of it.
    Can't wait to see her again. LaLa

  6. She looks like she is smiling to me!! I can't believe you caught it on camera! You are so lucky and she is so beautiful!

  7. She is so beautiful! And yes, girls think toots are funny. I'm not afraid to admit it.
